Ivan Mitevski
I am a Hess
Postdoctoral Fellow at Princeton University working with Gabriel Vecchi.
Prior to this, I got my PhD at Columbia University in August 2023 working with Lorenzo Polvani and Clara Orbe.
My research focuses on understanding how the climate system responds to a wide
range of CO2 perturbations. To achieve this, I conduct experiments employing
climate models with varying levels of complexity, ranging from comprehensive
Earth System Models to basic idealized conceptual models. The scope of this
question is quite broad, so my work includes few topics such as climate
sensitivity, radiative feedbacks, forcing, and large scale dynamics.
Feel free to contact me for discussions or potential collaborations.
GitHub, LinkedIn, Google
In Prep.
(*student advisee)
- K. Wen*, I. Mitevski, T.P. Janoski, G.A. Vecchi, Significant Spread in
Radiative Feedbacks Due to Differences in Kernels
- I. Mitevski and G. Vecchi, More stabilizing Radiative Feedbacks in
CO2 removal scenarios cause global surface temperature hysteresis
Submitted / In Revision
- I. Mitevski, S. Lee, G. Vecchi, C. Orbe, L. M. Polvani,
More positive and Less Variable North Atlantic Oscillation at High CO2 forcing
- Y-C. Liang, O. Miyawaki, T. A. Shaw, I. Mitevski, L. M. Polvani, and Y-T.
Hwang, Linking Radiative-Advective Equilibrium Regime Transition to Arctic Amplification
- T.P. Janoski, I. Mitevski, R.J. Kramer, M. Previdi, and L.M. Polvani, ClimKern: a new
Python package and kernel repository for calculating radiative feedbacks
- I. Mitevski, L. M. Polvani, H. He, G. Vecchi, C. Orbe,
B. Soden, R. Miller, State dependence of CO2 Effective Radiative Forcing
from 1/16x to 16xCO2
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- X. Zhang, D.W. Waugh, I. Mitevski, C. Orbe, L.M. Polvani, Decreased
Northern Hemisphere Precipitation from Consecutive CO2 Doublings Is Associated with
Significant AMOC Weakening
accepted in Environmental Research: Climate,
- I. Mitevski, R. Chemke, C. Orbe, L.M. Polvani, Southern Hemisphere
Winter Storm Tracks Respond Differently to Low and High CO2 Forcings,
Journal of Climate, (2024)
- K. Armour, C. Proistosescu, Y. Dong, ..., I. Mitevski, P. Forster,
J.M. Gregory, Sea-surface
temperature pattern effects have slowed recent global warming and biased
emergent constraints on climate sensitivity, PNAS, (2024) [supp. mat.]
- D. Raiter, L.M. Polvani, I. Mitevski, A. Pendergrass, C. Orbe, Little change in apparent hydrological
sensitivity at large CO2 forcing, Geophysical Research
Letters, (2023) [supp. mat.]
- Shih-Ni Zhou, Y-C. Liang, I. Mitevski, L.M. Polvani, Stronger Arctic Amplification Produced by
Decreasing, not increasing, CO2 Concentrations, Env. Res. Climate,
(2023) [supp. mat.]
- I. Mitevski, Y. Dong, L.M. Polvani, M. Rugenstein, and C. Orbe, Non-monotonic feedback dependence under
abrupt CO2 forcing due to a North Atlantic pattern effect, Geophysical
Research Letters, (2023) [supp. mat.]
- I. Mitevski, L.M. Polvani, and C. Orbe, Asymmetric
Warming/Cooling Response to CO2 Increase/Decrease Mainly Due to Non-Logarithmic
Forcing, not Feedbacks, Geophysical Research Letters, (2022)
[supp. mat.]
- Y-C. Liang, L.M. Polvani, and I. Mitevski, Arctic Amplification, and
its Seasonal Migration, Over a Wide Range of CO2 Forcing, npj Clim.
Atmos. Sci.,
5, 14 (2022) [supp. mat.]
- I. Mitevski, C. Orbe, R. Chemke, L. Nazarenko, L.M. Polvani, Non-Monotonic Response of the Climate
System to Abrupt CO2 Forcing, Geophysical Research Letters, (2021)
[supp. mat.]
- I.M. Griffiths, I. Mitevski, I. Vujkovac, M.R. Illingworth, P.S.
Stewart, The
Role of Tortuosity in Filtration Efficiency: a General Network Model for
Filtration, Journal of Membrane Science,
Other Publications & Datasets
- T. Janoski and I. Mitevski, ClimKern python package (1.1.0),
Zenodo, (2024)
- T. Janoski, I. Mitevski, R. Kramer, M. Previdi, and L.M. Polvani, ClimKern Kernel and Data
Repository (1.0.1), Zenodo, (2023)
- I. Mitevski, Asymmetric and Non-monotonic
Response of the Climate System to Idealized CO2 Forcing, PhD Thesis, Columbia University in Applied Mathematics and Applied Physics
Department, doi:10.7916/18qg-2y74 (2023)
- I. Mitevski, C. Orbe, R. Chemke, L. Nazarenko, L.M. Polvani, Abrupt CO2 experiments with NASA
GISS Model E2.1-G, Zenodo, (2020)
- I. Mitevski, D. Misra, M.N. Bhuyian, Y. Ding, Frequency and Area Dependence
of High-K/Ge MOS Capacitors, ECS Transactions,